Thursday, 23 February 2012

Update #1

Hey guys i'm back c:
It's been like 2 months since i'm gone aye?
Using Scottish words reminds me of Kylie. 
Alot of stuff happened between these two months, It's just
so shocking.
Din't know that my "sister" would pass away.
Might well just let go.. :l
Anyways I will be back to update my blog as usual
but don't expect it to be a daily poem/drawing shit.
I might post daily updates or maybe just not.
Still it's active so yeah c:

"Bruised and Scarred"
This song reminds me of her and my feelings atm..
"Someone please sick this lovesick melody~"
This sentence makes me wanna not let go ,
it's so fitted into my story at the moment.
I lost one of my poems i wrote :/
It was written for Kylie. Sigh , my bad.
I'll write a new one for you tomorrow kay?
Anyways i'm going , it's late.
School tomorrow :x


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